Vegetables Rich in Fiber

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Does anyone ever say eat your vegetables? Well they should, for more reasons then one.

Vegetables are mostly a carbohydrate, although some vegetables have lots of fats (like avocado and olives) and others have protein like peas, broccoli, and leafy greens. Vegetables are also a good source of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients), which are needed for optimal cell function.

These colorful plants also contain fiber. Fiber is useful and much needed, in at least 25-35 grams per day. The average American gets far less, likely closer to 15 grams.

Fiber is important mainly for healthy digestion, and there are two kinds out there. Soluble fiber helps to slow digestion, increasing our ability to absorb those vital micronutrients. Insoluble fiber helps to bulk up the stool for better excretion.

Vegetables also contain a fiber like material called prebiotics and these nutrients go undigested until the large intestine where they are used to feed the good bugs in our digestion system. Say what? Bugs! Yes, that’s right we have foreigners in our digestive tract and we live symbiotically with them, we feed them and they help provide anti-inflammatory actions for the rest of our body.

Fiber rich vegetables:



Black beans



Brussel sprouts

Chia seeds

